Lectures and Workshops
Dr. Culotta and his colleagues are available to provide presentations, lectures, and workshops regarding a variety of topics including:
- Social Media and Video Games: A Neuroscience Perspective
- Neurodevelopment and Learning Disorders
- Setting Healthy Limits on the Virtual World
- Autism Spectrum Disorders and DSM-V Changes and Implications
- The Teen Brain – A Work in Progress
- Mood, Mind, and ADHD
- Executive Functions and Asperger’s: Implications of Advancing Neuroscience
• Tips for Back-To-School Success - Neuroscience Update: Executive Functions and Dyslexia
- Neuroscience Update: ADHD and Executive Functions
- What Lies Beneath the Numbers: Neuropsychological Assessment
- Neuroscience and Learning
- The Neurobiology of Reading Differences
- Criminal Culpability and the Teen Brain
- Wired Differently: Managing Learning Differences in the Classroom
- Post-Secondary Planning in Adolescents with Learning and Attention Disorders
- The Neuroscience of ADHD and Anxiety
- Succeeding with Learning Differences: Transforming Liabilities into Assets
- The Role of Gender in Education: A Neuroscience Perspective
Please call our office manager to schedule a brief telephone appointment to discuss your needs and information regarding the topics above.