Mental health matters — and the past several years have truly shown us the importance of checking in on one another, especially our little people. If you are a parent navigating the journey of taking care of their mental health while balancing the wellness of your children, this is the article for you.

Let’s explore some top tips for caring for your and your children’s mental health at a time when it couldn’t be more important.

Establish a Routine

Humans respond well to routine, so establishing a solid one for your family is critical! Consider daily rituals such as mornings, bedtime, meals, and personal care, and think about how you can ensure these tasks get done on a routine basis. Feel free to let yourself get creative with Post-Its, whiteboards, charts, games, and even prizes! (there’s no saying you can’t reward yourself, too!)

Create a Safe and Open Space for Communication

In any relationship, communication is key. Make sure that you are reciprocating positive and healthy communication with your child. Do not be afraid to express to them how you are feeling so that they open up, too. Try to talk about your feelings when you are one-on-one with your child in a private space. Avoid doing so around family members and friends to strengthen the bond that you have with your child and help to create a secure space.

Set Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries with your child is another great way to support your own mental health — while also respecting theirs. While you and your child need to have a trusting relationship, this does not mean that you have to be best friends. This kind of relationship can form an unhealthy codependency! Set healthy boundaries and you’ll be on your way.

Practice Saying No

The art of saying no is a great lesson to teach your child and remind yourself of, too! Be sure to remind your child that they have the autonomy to say no to situations, people, or activities that make them feel less than happy inside. Try demonstrating this as a parent so that your child can mimic your behavior and trust that saying no does not have to come with negative repercussions.

Focus On Quality Time

Focusing on quality time with your child is crucial to tuning into their mental health. Try to ask your child what activities they enjoy and different experiences they are interested in. Make it a point to try something new at least once a month with your child. This can be as simple as going on a walk in the park, attending a cooking class, working on an art project, or even helping with homework.

Seek Support When Needed

As a parent, you likely double as a chauffeur, chef, bank, teller, therapist, and more. However, this doesn’t mean that you are necessarily qualified to deal with your child’s emotions from a professional standpoint. Seeking support when needed is a great way to demonstrate to your child that asking for help is not a weakness.

Connect with a professional today to focus on your child’s mental health, balancing your own, and the journey of growing up, by contacting the NeuroBehavioral Associates team!