About Demetria Riddlespurger

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So far Demetria Riddlespurger has created 182 blog entries.

COVID-19: Special Education Services and Resources for Students on the Spectrum

According to a recent PBS report,(1) around 14% of public school students in the United States are given regular special education services. With Maryland public schools closed until at least [...]

COVID-19: Special Education Services and Resources for Students on the Spectrum2020-11-02T21:06:02+00:00

Depression and Self-Destructive Behaviors in Kids and Teens

We’ve all heard about childhood phases like “the terrible twos” or the rebellious teen years. Learning to manage emotions alongside increasing independence is a childhood rite of passage, but what [...]

Depression and Self-Destructive Behaviors in Kids and Teens2020-11-02T21:07:19+00:00

Can Dance Class Make a Difference to Children With Neurobehavioral Disorders

Learning that your child has a neurobehavioral or developmental condition understandably results in a typically exhausting search for the right therapies. The list of potential interventions for children with autism [...]

Can Dance Class Make a Difference to Children With Neurobehavioral Disorders2020-11-02T21:10:25+00:00
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