If your child suffers from OCD, you know about all of the myths associated with this mental health condition. As you work with your child and their pediatrician to come up with the best treatment plan possible, it is important to focus on the facts and weed out skepticism. In this article, we will explore the top 5 myths associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

#1: “OCD Is Not Manageable”

One of the most common misconceptions about OCD is that it is not treatable or manageable. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth! OCD can be managed with medication alongside cognitive behavioral therapy to best suit the patient’s needs. Remember, every patient’s needs will be different. Although it might be hard, try to be as patient as possible with your child as they experiment with different management methods. Some will work great, while others will not! It’s all about supporting them through these trials so that they don’t give up.

#2: “The Main Sign Of OCD Is Being Obsessed With Cleaning”

If you have a neat freak in your life, it is likely they have at one point been called OCD. However, uber cleanliness is not always the case with actual OCD. Your child may suffer from OCD, and extreme focus on cleanliness may or may not be a symptom. It is important to remember that diagnosing OCD is not a one size fits all approach. While a fixation on cleaning can be a symptom, there is a lot more to dive into with your child’s pediatrician and therapist. (1)

#3: “People With OCD Also Always Have Anxiety”

The terms anxiety, OCD, and depression are often grouped together. However, it is extremely common for patients, both young and old, to suffer from just one or all of these mental health disorders. Many have overlapping symptoms and require different treatment approaches. Just because your child suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder does not necessarily mean they also struggle with anxiety. If you have further concerns about your child’s diagnosis, check in with your pediatrician for a quick chat.

#4: “If You Have OCD, You Are Crazy”

Luckily, mental health is being normalized day by day. While this is a long process, it is important to remember that your child’s journey is completely their own. Try to limit the amount of media they consume relating to mental health, as it can be hard to fact-check as a child. The thoughts and opinions of others can harm their progress and interfere with their treatment plan. One of the best things you can do as a parent is to help support and encourage your child along this ride. (2)

#5: “OCD Is Rare”

OCD is one of the most common mental health disorders diagnosed in America today. Oftentimes, anxiety and depression get most of the publicity. This can make those who suffer from OCD feel unseen. It is important to know that other children are going through the same, which means there are parents out there feeling exactly what you are feeling! It is important to also care for yourself during this journey, along with your child. Try to explore the option of enrolling in focus groups, support groups, or other parent-run organizations where you can expand your network and find the encouragement you need.

For more information and resources on how to best advocate for your child, contact NeuroBehavioral Associates today!


  1. 9 Surprising Facts About Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – Healthgrades
  2. OCD Facts – Beyond OCD