Alexandra Scheller-Parzynski
Alexandra Scheller-Parzynski, Psy.D. is a licensed psychologist and pediatric
neuropsychologist who specializes in the assessment of individuals ages 5 and up. She
received her doctoral degree from Loyola University Maryland and completed her 2-
year post-doctoral fellowship in pediatric neuropsychology at Mt. Washington Pediatric
Hospital. Prior to graduating with her doctoral degree, she completed an APA-
accredited internship at Mendota Mental Health Institute where she conducted forensic
evaluations including competency to stand trial and violence risk assessments. Her
graduate neuropsychological training experiences were gathered at Children’s National
Medical Center and Kennedy Krieger Institute.
Dr. Scheller-Parzynsk has worked extensively with a variety of conditions such as in-
utero substance exposure, cancer and associated treatments, epilepsy, stroke,
traumatic brain injuries, and genetic disorders. She is particularly interested in the
assessment of ADHD and learning disorders and their impact on emotional and
behavioral functioning.