When it comes to parenting, there are many different styles to choose from when raising and mentoring children in your life. In this article, we will explore one of the newest phenomena that has taken the world of parenting by storm: gentle parenting.

Gentle Parenting at Its Core

When some think of gentle parenting, the first thought that comes to their mind is a situation where the child controls the parent. Common misconceptions about gentle parenting are a lack of rules, little to no structure, and few consequences for actions. However, this cannot be further from the truth! Gentle parenting is all about fostering a positive and healthy relationship between parent and child, to build trust that will help both parties navigate the journey of growing up.

Empathy and Understanding

Gentle parenting is based on empathy and understanding from both parent and child perspectives. Parents who choose to follow a gentle parenting structure will oftentimes try to find the reasoning behind why a child might be making certain decisions or acting in a particular way. They are sure to put themselves in the child’s shoes to try and understand a different perspective.

Positive Reinforcement and Rule Establishment

Instead of reprimanding children for their mistakes, gentle parenting is based on positive reinforcement and rule establishment. When a child acts appropriately or succeeds, they are rewarded for a job well done. When it comes to rule establishment, they are part of the conversation of expectations and consequences.

Benefits of Gentle Parenting

So does gentle parenting work? Here are some of the benefits that families have found:

Nurturing Connection

One desired outcome of a gentle parenting mindset is a connection between parent and child that can be nurtured. By nurturing and fostering a positive connection between both parties, a relationship has a better chance of being productive and healthy.

Trust of Authority

By enabling a positive connection between parent and child, trust will strengthen between the two. Gentle parenting aims to allow the child to have trust in their authority figures as they know their feelings and emotions will be taken into consideration.

Promotion of Emotional Intelligence

Children who are raised with a gentle parenting approach oftentimes have higher emotional intelligence when compared to children who are not. Emotional intelligence can be a big benefit for children as they mature into adults. They will be kinder, more understanding, and able to empathize with people in their lives.

Reduction in Power Struggles

Gentle parenting has also been shown to reduce power struggles between parent and child. This style of parenting embraces a democratic approach, where both parties are equally as invested in making the relationship a successful one.

Encourages Self-Awareness

Children who are raised by parents who practice gentle parenting are also more self-aware. As a result of understanding the consequences and benefits of their actions, they are self-aware in knowing that their individual choices have a big impact on the outcome of their life.

Appropriate Boundary Setting

Gentle parenting also encourages appropriate boundary setting between parent and child. While these two parties should be interconnected, there must be clear boundaries between being a family member and a friend.

We hope this article helped you better understand the practice of gentle parenting, and how you can incorporate this message into your own parenting style. If you are in need of parenting advice or support, contact our experts at NeuroBehavioral Associates today.



  1. How to Practice Gentle Parenting – The Washington Post