Is Your Child Becoming Agoraphobic? 5 Signs They May Need Help
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders found in children, and it can take place in a variety of different forms. Since this disorder can look different [...]
5 Types of Phobias and How To Help Your Child With Them
Did you know that most people develop phobias during childhood? A phobia is defined as an uncontrollable fear of a situation, place, feeling, or circumstance. Children who suffer from phobias [...]
Can Your Child Have PTSD?
Approximately one in 11 people are diagnosed with PTSD at some point in their lives. (1) Although this disorder is most often associated with adults — especially those who have [...]
How To Recognize Self-Harm In Your Child
When it comes to your child's mental health, being in the know is everything. Recognizing self-harm in your child is a scary but important clue to be tuned into as [...]
How To Help Children Cope With Panic Attacks
As your child matures into a young adult, conversations around mental health will become more and more prevalent. Believe it or not, mental health issues can arise in children at [...]
Understanding Generational Trauma and How It Impacts Your Child
Generational trauma can play a major role in your child’s mental health. If you are a parent embarking on a journey to understand and improve your child’s mental health, this [...]